YM as a Coach

  • Yadhav is an accomplished coach who has worked successfully with many clients in helping them resolve many challenges in their work and personal lives.
  • He is able to bring the best out of his coachees -by providing safety, curiosity, engagement and encouragement.
  • His coaching conversations are safe and confidential helping people get into a resourceful mental state to discover opportunities and strengths within one’s system.
  • Yadhav is an ICF trained coach. He has also undergone training in Ontological Coaching.
  • Coaching is offered in these formats – one-on-one or group coaching. The one-on-one sessions allow the client more flexibility in scheduling sessions and are more useful if a person is hesitant to open up fully in a group session.
  • A group session offers the client the opportunity to learn from others experiences, be a part of a community and save some money.

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