Presentation Skills

The purpose of your presentation, the size and nature of the audience, may vary – but what remains unchanged is that for those moments you are singled out for attention and up for evaluation. Expressing yourself effectively will boost your chances for a achieving your objective – influencing, informing, persuading, selling. Bungling the presentation will torpedo even the best ideas. Either ways you do get noticed!

Our program helps the participants:

  • Understand the difference between effective and ineffective presenting
  • Improve by practicing in a safe, supportive climate, getting feedback from other participants and coaching from the trainer
  • Be equipped with a structured methodology for preparing effective presentations with a “catchy” opener, structured flow of thought, Interesting storyline, persuasive substance, impressive visual aids, effective close
  • Learn best practices for delivering- platform behaviour, presence, body language, voice modulation, handling presentation equipment, handling questions and difficult audiences, keeping the audience interested and involved
  • Learn how to manage your anxiety and be self-confident

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