
Yadhav has been a close friend, and a professional associate for a number of years. His uncanny ability to intuitively ‘connect’ with the participants in a training program (and otherwise, I’m sure), and his innate talent of making the other person feel important stands him in great stead as far as getting people enrolled in his scheme of things. We’ve turned to him when we were up against the wall, and others had not been able to convince us that they had an answer. One conversation with Yadhav, and the CEO was convinced that we were on the right track in entrusting the development of our people with him. So much so, that we have had to tear the people that he was coaching away from him, they get that used to him being around to take care of things.

A great sounding board; a great trainer, connecting at the ‘heart’ level; a treasured friend; and someone that you can turn to in times of need, personal or professional. Highly recommended as a partner in your journey to success!

Ajay Chowdhury

President & CHRO SRF Limited

Yadhav delivered a lot of leadership trainings in Bayer Middle East for long time. There are several common feedbacks about him from our employees: 1) Participants never forget what they learn from Yadhav and mention those where relevant after years passed. 2) They find his style very friendly and approachable. 3) He is full of suggestions and alternative ways related to questions/challenges leadership skills and especially coaching sessions after trainings help them a lot. 4) They all are eager to attend another session/training with Yadhav and share their positive feedbacks with the prospective participants in the company.

I do not think that these are common for all trainers. Therefore, we are lucky that we have been working with him.

Özden Yiğit

Head of Human Resources Bayer Middle East

Yadhav has been the most effective and engaging trainer in my professional career.  Many trainers have the ability to engage and educate.  Yadhav is the rare breed who also makes you change.

Yadhav simplifies management principles and makes them relatable.  Through examples and games, the participants experience the power of these principles in the context of their real life situations.  Having made the case for change, he then shares a set of simple rules and templates (calling them templates is also an overstatement) to make you live the change.  You start practising them from the very next day and they became a part of your management style.

The experiences and learnings I gathered from his workshop (‘Manager programme’) helped me transition effectively into my role as a Manager.  Even though many years have passed, I and many others continue to practise what we learnt.  Today, the Yadhav Mehra Manager School is an integral part of the coming of age of a new Manager in our Risk Practice.

Rahul Singh Lovell

Partner – Advisory Services Ernst & Young LLP

I have known Yadhav for last 14 years and with each passing day I admire him more. I met Yadhav in 2006 when we engaged him for a session to engage more than 100 participants for a national conference in KL for ICI paints. Our relationship has grown from a training partner to professional acquaintance; from a professional acquaintance to a friend; from a friend to a philosopher, guide and mentor. I always experienced Yadhav like a professional consultant (doctor), who has deep expertise in many areas and will always speak the truth and has the courage to show the mirror and recommend what really needs to be done. I have been a great admirer of Yadhav for his child like curiosity, ability to challenge the status quo with a right balance of logic & emotions and his great ability to tolerate and mange ambiguity. I highly recommend Yadhav as a trainer, OD interventionist, coach and a guide.

Rahul Kalia

CS HR, APAC Bayer (South East Asia) Pte Ltd

Yadhav Mehra has trained the Asmara Group colleagues at our Delhi, Chennai, Colombo, Dhaka, Jakarta and Ho Chi Minh offices. He had a fair idea about our business model and he topped that with his unique insights to invigorate the staff through coaching sessions on personal productivity. Yadhav knows how to take people along, he has interesting insights due to his voracious reading, updated training techniques due to his personal-upgrade plans and new content every season. At Asmara we believe that Culture and Character are the foundation to be cemented with Competence and Yadhav has engaged with us to prepare a stronger foundation for our company.

Venky Nagan

Group C.E.O. Asmara International Limited Hong Kong

“I am very pleased with the way this workshop went. I have attended several workshops in my life and this one was equal if not better than the best that I have earlier attended. In fact, I was planning to fly down a trainer from UK and am glad that I did not do it.”

Mr. Alan Grant

Managing Director, Canon India

I attended Yadhav’s program on managerial excellence during my first year as a manager. Yadhav does a fantastic job of bringing to life key management concepts and explains them in his own unique way. He combines team activities with his excellent story telling skills, which help participants relate to management challenges and leaves a lasting impact.

12 years after attending his program, I look back at it as one of the most effective programs which helped shape my thinking in my formative years. His program is powerful and highly recommended.

Aman Dutta

Partner Ernst & Young

Yadhav and his work leaves such powerful imprint that it lasts with you forever. It’s rare to curate a programme that meets the expectations of all stakeholders, from organization to participants, with Yadhav being present you know he will ensure that expectations are fulfilled or exceeded. You know you are in safe hands when people who attend his programmes come back later and thank us for organizing such interventions. May you and your teams energy , excellence and empathy towards learning for a better purpose make corporate life joyful.

Biren Anshu

Head of Talent Management JCB India Ltd

What makes his class different is because he builds trust, perfectly combined his knowledge and audiences experiences. Thank You Yadhav!

Luluina Karina Singarimbun

Head of HR Bayer Indonesia

“Your talk was extremely well received and the officers appreciated the issues and points highlighted by you during the session. On behalf of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie and the participants, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for having taken time off from your busy schedule to visit the Academy”

Sanjeev Chopra

Deputy Director (Sr.) Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration

I have known Yadhav since many years, previously at Gap International and recently at MicroSave Consulting. Yadhav continues to be a strong partner in our overall Learning & Development agenda primarily because his training style encompasses ‘life skills’ that he smartly translates to fit the corporate needs in a meaningful manner. Yadhav is strong at developing leadership skills, cutting across a swath of people-management areas and his approachable and personable demeanor helps establish rapport with the audience and build the right atmosphere to easily absorb the learnings.

Subir Vyas

Chief Human Resources Officer, MicroSave Consulting (MSC)

It has been a pleasure being associated with Yadhav for over 15 years. The first time was at Gap International, where Yadhav conducted great sessions on Leadership. Recently Yadhav conducted a brilliant workshop on Effective Communication & Teamwork for us at John Lewis. His workshop was very well received by all teams, as it is practical and devoid of business jargon! With a couple of role plays and exercises rolled in he was very engaging and participative. Yadhav in an excellent facilitator and brings out amazing insights into our individual communication styles, and that of the team. He encourages everyone to think, and makes it fun. His self-deprecating humour makes him one of us, not a Mr Know-it-all. I’d highly recommend Yadhav, he has a hugely positive impact professionally, and personally too.

Venu Sharma

Director & Head of International Sourcing, John Lewis India Pvt Ltd.

I have known Yadhav for many years both on and off the tennis court. He is a dedicated professional and a thorough gentleman. As a trainer , he is one of the finest I have had the good fortune to deal with. I had requested him to carry out Leadership Training for my senior team at my last company ( Heidrick & Struggles’ Global Knowledge Management Centre in Gurgaon) . Their feedback on his content and style was extremely positive. I subsequently recommended him to a Housing Finance company on whose board I serve. They are also very happy with his contribution.

Mr. Rajiv Inamdar

Director – Ummeed Housing Finance Company Pvt Ltd Ex Managing Director – Heidrick & Struggles Global Knowledge Management Centre

I had met Yadhav during a Senior Manager Team Building and Training workshop in the early phase of my career at KPMG. Yadhav and his team had a very well curated program that allowed a great balance between learning how to operate as a cohesive unit, while honing individual potential. He was affable and seamlessly covered core content while keeping the full gang energized and well engaged. Would not think twice before recommending Yadhav for any of your leadership and training requirements.

Puneet Narang

Partner - Major Projects Advisory Infrastructure & Government KPMG in India

Yadhav has the rare ability to engage difficult participants. Highly competent people typically regard training with cynicism. However, even the most cynical usually appreciate the practical value gained in Yadhav’s workshops. He does not teach as much as get people to introspect and think, and as a result participants are able to use the experience to create their own solutions later at work.

Preeti Singh

EX-L&D Head Ernst & Young

I have found your training very effective and innovative. Engagement was great and we had some real learning and eye breaking tools and technique about leadership. Particularly I still recall about “Helicoptering” as a leader!

I wish to have another training from you! I wish your good luck and success for future endeavor.

Nasimul Gani

Product Technical Manager – Bangladesh SO Marks and Spencer

You ran a very successful program. By delivering a great program you have ensured a place in our consideration set. The program has definitely achieved its objectives. We once again thank you for your commitment and shall look forward to more opportunities in future to benefit from your experience and expertise at Gyanoday.

Vikram Bector

GM –Aditya Birla Institute of Management Learning

It was a great pleasure for me to meet Yadhav Mehra twice. I had the chance to know him in personal; attending in his training courses, organized by BAYER Academy in Dubai on 2015 & 2016.Courses were “Learn to Lead 1”& “Learn to Lead 2” each with duration of 4 days- (8:30-17:00), including workshop, challenging activities,  interaction, open discussion  and on top of all his professional training subjects re leadership.Topics were well classified with high standards, hence through his coaching skills, every attendee was interacting enthusiastically. I dare to say that I broadly learned managerial skills, expertise of a strong team work, and knowledge of leadership in academic language.(His provided handouts, pamphlets and notes, are still my reference books as a holy guidelines in my carrier.)

Meanwhile his very professional ability in conducting team, exposing an energetic environment, interacting with each and every attendee &   his delicate art of influencing all, were all proofs of his professionality as a trainer.

I’d like to state that as a Bayer employee for about 20 years, I had so many courses during my professional life; however the time I spent & material I learned from Yadhav’s training sessions are the best knowledge and practice I had so far.

Moreover, whether I had the chance to attend to other programs held by him, with no doubt I will, and recommend to my colleagues and friends not to miss it!

Ani Avakian

Site Services Manager Bayer Parsian, Iran

Yadhav is an extremely passionate person. His ability to connect with people goes far beyond the usual style of interaction.

He connects with people at a very deep and emotional level and that is what makes him stand apart from the usual coach/ trainer/ mentor.

Coupled with above, his innate and nuanced understanding of business fundamentals makes interactions with him exciting and incredibly meaningful. His boyish charm, insatiable appetite to listen, endless energy and a never-say-die attitude, all put together, make working with him very very meaningful.

With Yadhav, you never go wrong!

Manu Ahuja

Managing Director Jubiliant industries

I must admit that this is one of the best workshop I have attended so far.  Thank you once again for wonderful facilitation.

Vikas Pansari

SRF Limited

I meant every word I wrote in my mail

Will like to attend your all future sessions will be organized by SRF

Time is most precious thing in life and wisdom I learnt from you have saved my least my two years (Actually more) because to gain this much wisdom I would have taken two years at least and more over that too was not certain because to learn mix of so many important and practical concepts, I would have to read so many books from different great writers. Route could be , reading books ( Again, most important decision : which book is to be read) and understanding it and then imbibing and putting in practice takes a lot of time and here comes the roll of Teacher who make you learn things with such an ease that you never felt you actually had to put any efforts in doing so. One more point, while reading book, you cannot get the practical experience which we get in actual workshop where learning in team is done by simulating various practical situations

So Sir thanks Again. Now reading the book “48 laws of power”.Books seems like “Chankaya niti“ written by Robert Greene. Enjoying wisdom. Thanks for sharing this book which will for sure give wisdom to see the things from new prospective.

Vineet Goel

SRF Limited

I would like to thank you so much for guiding me in creating and delivering an effective presentation. My presentation at EAGE went well. All the four presentations from Cairn were excellent. We received a good feedback from audience after the presentations.

It was a fascinating journey for me from my first mock presentation to the final presentation at EAGE. I was worried a bit before I left to London due to my limited practice. As my presentation was on the third day of the conference, I got enough time to practice well.  I realized that practice alone, aloud was very effective in my case.

Thanks again for your help and I would like to keep in touch with you.

Kondal Reddy

Principal Geophysicist Cairn India

I would like to thank you so much for this fruitful training, at the same time I started to use the content of the training and my colleagues’ experiences once I come back to the office.

Be sure you are very smart, excellent trainer and have lovely friendship. I am looking to see you in Learn to Lead II.

Yahya Ibrahim

DSM - Palestine and Iraq Bayer Middle East FZE

Thank you Jaz for giving us this great opportunity to learn from such a rich Mentor and Tutor like Yadhav who inspired me personally in many ways.

Dear Yadhav: My words cannot say enough….a Sincere THANK YOU! You were just perfect!

Eman Sabra

Project Manager - Pharmaceuticals Division Bayer Middle East FZE

The overall feedback on “workshop on competency based interview skills” was very good. All the participants really liked the program and consider this to be a very important program throughout their life.

Shiva Ramakrishnan

HR Manager Alstom Corporate

Thanks a lot for the coaching call today, it was really beneficial and constructive.

Dr.Hassan Khater

Head of Medical Affairs - Egypt+ Bayer Middle East FZE

The return on interaction and investment has been the highest. Yadhav’s delivery is highly lucid and encourages interaction

Amit Kudale

Human Resource, Corporate Office Punj Lloyd Ltd.

Yadhav’s training is a lethal combination of sound theoretical concepts and hard core experience from the industry, which gives participants a well rounded, simpler approach ..and the results to say the least are Extremely Effective.

Ritu Mahajan

Manager-Human Resources TERI

“After we announce your name as trainer, it is difficult to restrict nominations. Our mail-box gets loaded with nominations.”

Seema Virnave

Training Manager – HCL Technologies Ltd

“I’ve had the opportunity to engage with many National and International trainers of repute but there are a handful you can engage blindfolded and be sure that it would help you meet the desired outcome…. I’ve always seen happy feedback sheets after Yadhav’s programs and long after the program is over people talk about it.

He is not only thorough about his work but infects everyone with the passion he carries for his work.”

Shalini Sarin

GM- HR Cairn Energy India

“Very useful and practical! All meat and virtually no chaff!”

Mr. Yateendra Joshi

Director TERI

Yadhav brings his experience, knowledge, communication skills and subject matter expertise nicely together in his training sessions. Highly energetic, expressive and communicative in nature, he is able to connect with the participants very quickly and keep them engaged throughout the session, using different styles and tactics. I have done several leadership trainings with him as trainer and found those quite valuable for my career and also in my personal life.

He explains a topic by sharing his own relevant experience or something that he has read, to make the learning easy and to get the right essence of it. I personally have liked his coaching skills as well and I am sure that there are others who feel the same. Not many trainers blend in humor nicely but Yadhav has knack of doing it well. Using modern tools and also traditional ways of classroom training comes to him seamlessly. He is able to offer his expertise in training, across variety of management topics applicable at different levels of an organization. This makes him versatile.

Divakar Gokhale

Head – Business Development, Indian Subcontinent Polycarbonates Covestro (India) P. Ltd.

It has been a delightful experience to be associated with you for more than a decade as a recipient of various training programs conducted by you. I really liked the simple and lucid delivery of your training which helped achieve the desired results in a very effective manner.

Training programs conducted by you for my organization were very insightful and result oriented.. The feedback received from the participants, who attended your training, was that it was very impactful and resulted in positive changes in their behaviour. The best part of your training was that everyone enjoyed themselves and participated in it with full enthusiasm. We had participants from South East Asia who were equally impressed by your superior content and delivery thereby spreading a good word of mouth.

I highly recommend your training program for anyone who wants a positive and irreversible change in his life.

Tarun Grover

Managing Director Tracers India Search Pvt Ltd

Deciphering learning’s from scriptures, observing experiences, capturing life lessons and articulating them to his audience have been Yadhav’s forte in his delivery, training, mentoring and coaching. He is quick at understanding his audience and communicates in a simple and straight forward manner, sometime hard hitting, that naturally builds a bond with them. Through his time tested techniques of delayering deep psyche of humans, he connects and develops long-term relationships with all ages – young and old, that includes his clients as well. From a classmate to a friend to a bouncing board to a client at MetLife India, I have seen him hone his skills and develop a mental repository of new age wisdom, during our association over the last 40 years. He is happy to devote his time to share his learning’s as a counsel with one and all, from those who can and who cannot pay with a selfless nonmonetary objective. I am glad to know that he is now embarking on a journey where his learning’s will not be limited to a few in the confines of close door interactions and conference halls, but to people at large, who would immensely benefit from the wealth of his experience. I wish him the best in his future endeavors!

Rajesh Relan

Managing Director Metlife

Yadhav was our trainer in four trainings in the Learn to Lead 1 & 2, the advanced trainings of leadership. He was also was our facilitator in the leadership meetings in Crop Science in Middle East

Yadhav is motivational trainer, he is able to bring out the best out of the participants, as a trainer Yadhav is able to challenge participants and show them the broader picture by explaining the science and theory of relevant subject and on top and most important Yadhav delivers this with a great positive spirit, in a fun way using practical examples that really makes the situation memorable.

I highly recommend Yadhav Mehra Given a chance I would like to attend more programs of Yadhav. His USP as a trainer in comparison to other programs I have attended are excellent theoretical explanation, the practical trainings, real life examples and the additional effort Yadhav gives with one-on-one mentoring following the trainings.

Dr. Iyad Takrouri

Country Commercial Lead Bayer Middle East FZE

I am very blessed and fortunate having opportunities to attend various training programs locally and internationally. When I attended Yadhav’s session I realized there are some many hidden pearls or great trainers like him yet to be discovered who can not only convey the knowledge or build your understanding but has this great unique ability to story tell and facilitate with a balanced sense of humour, respect and curiosity which makes it memorable;).The energy gained from his sessions remain intact in my mind and the ability to say stories of leadership using mythical stories as in Mahabharata is very refreshing !

He’s a great mentor, coach and someone I know if I call him I would get true and honest advise in the L&D Industry. I really look forward to working with him if any opportunity rises.

Thank you Yadhavji 😉

Sheena Symon

Sr. Manager Learning and Development, India Protiviti

I have known Yadhav since many years and attended few of the training programs delivered by him. I found him one of the best trainers in my professional career. He is master of his craft as he has in-depth knowledge of the subject, delivers the training in an interesting format, gives practical tips and explain the content by real life examples. On top of that, his ability to answer all questions asked by trainees up to their satisfaction & keeping audience engaged throughout the training program makes him an excellent trainer.

I have been able to employ the skills and tips I learnt from him with great results. Having the opportunity to discuss different subjects openly and honestly without any prejudice with him is always enjoyable. I wish him lot of luck for his future endeavors.

Pankaj Malik

Regional Director – SE Asia Enza Zaden Asia Holding Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

“Our brief was well understood and the way it was turned into a very relevant interactive and entertaining workshop proved to be the key to its success. People now think not only about how they do their own job but also its impact on other team members. Your workshops are now an integral part of our training program with all of our staff eager to participate.”

Terry O’Connor

Regional Managing Director, William E. Connor & Associates

“Good content, excellent examples, very interactive session, excellent facilitation.”

Rajeev Nair

Sapient Corporation

Need I say that the training was excellent!! All my people were very happy.


Training Manager –TCNS, Delhi

Dear Colleagues, It was very nice to know each one of you, thank you All. Thanks for Jaz for all logistic arrangements and the Big thank go to Yadhav, for the obviously efforts in this training, I learn a lot about motivation, Feedback, and how it’s important to see things from different points sides. Thank you and hope to see you All in Learn to lead II.

Yasser Al-Ali

Scientific Office Manager District Manager - Syria Bayer HealthCare – Syria – Damascus

Thank you for a truly fabulous, informative, life-changing two days. Now we are planning to regroup and try to figure how to move forward in the most effective way with all these amazing ideas you’ve given us. I am so excited to have found so many wonderful new resources. Thank you very much.

Siddharth S. Bhuyan

Midstream Operation, Barmer

It’s really practical and useful course that improved my daily work and life. Thanks a lot Yadhav for this training that made my life less stressful and simpler.

Hisham Mebed

Head of Market Support Managers Bayer Limited Egypt LLC

Keep me updated of your event