Train the Trainer

Training is a complex skill. It is different from making a presentation or lecturing to an audience or just giving a tutorial to students. The trainer undertakes the responsibility of bringing about a shift in the behaviour of the trainee.

Several people believe that if they are good at talking then they must be good at training as well. Unfortunately that is not the case.

Training involves a deep understanding of the subject, an empathetic mind to understand the trainee’s psychological state and communication skills that help in unbundling and deconstructing complex subjects.

Trainers need to understand the principles of adult learning. This is because adults learn differently from children.

The program on “Train the Trainer” takes participants through the following subjects:

Our program helps the participants:

  • Characteristics of an effective trainer
  • Principles of adult learning
  • Learning to write training objectives
  • Creating training content
  • Understanding different delivery methods
  • Measuring training effectiveness

The program also takes the participants through the skills involved in delivering a program or high interaction and engagement with the audience.

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