Personal Branding & Visibility

Should one invest energy into one’s image? Is there any point in letting people know about your accomplishments? Does it not look cheap?

The answer is ‘yes – one must be careful about the way people perceive you’. This does not mean that you put on an act to have an image of yourself that is different from the real you.

People base their reactions towards you based on the perceptions they create about you. These perceptions are a result of your actions as well as your circumstances

Your personal brand and image is your responsibility as well. Several times, despite the good work done by you – you do not get noticed. Does this mean that you go about blowing your trumpet every time you do something? No!

It means communicating in such a way that people realize what you do and how you contribute value.

This could include sharing with others your growth experiences. As a result, people come to know that you are growing.

Five traits/competencies help in building your image and visibility. These are Conversational Skills to Connect with people, Facilitation Skills to moderate High Impact Interactions, Boldness to make one’s presence felt sensible, Business Credibility to make you a ‘go-to’ person, and your appearance.

Attend the workshop to gain on each one of the above abilities.

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